Where To Look For Deciding On Aspects For Rather than being travel generalists who help with any kind of travel booking, they're specializing in a particular destination, activity, or type of excursion. When it can be beneficial to use a travel agent Generally, if you're booking a straightforward trip for a small number of people, you can find great deals by yourself. Book a flight directly with the airline or with a booking site, find a room or apartment on an accommodation site, and plan your activities as you go. But that's only one type of travel, and certainly not the simplest, or in many instances, the cheapest solution for all situations. (See also: 10 Flight Booking Hacks to Save You Hundreds ) If you're planning a complicated trip where you want a full itinerary laid out prior to setting off, a specialist travel agent is a good option. Depending on which country you're visiting, booking activities in advance can be complicated and time consuming, as ca...